My Day: Anthony Trollope and The Warden

I had never read Trollope and this seemed like an easy way to explore his writing.  I found the book an interesting period piece, but not one that I would recommend you put on your must-read list.

He’s the priest and warden of a rural church that has a connected residence for twelve aged, indigent men, a residence left to the church some time ago as a bequest.  The warden was put in this place by the presiding bishop, who also happens to be the father-in-law of the warden’s older daughter.  His younger daughter is unmarried, but in a 19th century English relationship with a young man whom today would be called an activist, looking to better the life of the poor and downtrodden.  (This reminded me of a book a read a month or two ago, Sybil, by Benjamin Disraeli, written about 20 years earlier but also centered on the difference between the wealthy and the much larger poorer classes of England.)

The warden is provided a good salary for his role with the old folks residence, which his daughter’s activist boy friend believes to be uncalled for,, thinking that the will bequeathing the building to the church required the earnings on the accompanying endowment be distributed in part to the residents of the building.  He arranges a lawsuit to the brought against his girl friend’s father, the bishop and the bishop’s son (his girl friend’s brother in law).  This does not go over well with the girl friend.

It also does not go over well with her father, the warden, one of the universe’s most noble beings, who thinks that maybe the lawsuit is appropriate and maybe he shouldn’t be receiving the annual salary he gets, which allows him and his daughter (he is a widower) to live as well as they do.

The activist and the girl friend make a deal.  One agrees to get the lawsuit dropped, and the other agrees to marry.  Simple.  But not so simple, because even if the suit is dropped, will the warden be satisfied to return to his financially comfortable life?

Won’t give you the answer to that one……

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